  • Arturo Jesús Vega Sáez
  • María Rafaela Flores Aimetta

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Pague Aquí

We’re delighted to announce the successful participation of six 11th grade students in the yearly TISLS Public Speaking Competition, held remotely for the first time last October 27th.

As part of their curriculum, all students had to write and prepare a speech using persuasive techniques and oratory devices during the second trimester of the school year. After two successful days of fulfilling speeches, three representatives were chosen from each class by the jury, Miss Liliana Cortés and Miss Wiebke Spitczok.

The finalists this year were Benjamín Osorio, Milena Pierotic and Catalina Contador from 11-MC, and Isidora Pinto, Renato Vacarezza and María Alejandra Morandé, who impressed and captivated the judges demonstrating great oratory skills in different topics such as climate change, sex education, art, stereotypes, individualism and the power of creativity. After the difficult task of evaluating each participant, they announced Isidora Pinto with her speech “Doubts, Trust and Family” and María Alejandra Morandé with her speech “Art is Human, not a Nation” as the winners.

We sincerely congratulate all the contestants, especially the winners who demonstrated a solid speech in front of the audience. Congrats!

  • Arturo Jesús Vega Sáez
  • María Rafaela Flores Aimetta

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