  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas
Pague Aquí

El esperado viaje de nuestros alumnos de 6to básico a Paihuano, se concretó en una experiencia marcada por el compañerismo, la sana convivencia y el aprendizaje en terreno.

Durante tres días, los miembros del 6th G y 6th L conocieron más sobre la historia y geografía del Valle del Elqui, repasando su importancia astronómica y desarrollando diversas actividades deportivas y artísticas, que contribuyeron a fortalecer su vínculo como grupo y potenciar la sana convivencia.

El grupo estuvo acompañado por las profesoras jefe de ambos cursos, miss Gisela Castillo y miss Liliana Cortés, además del profesor Álvaro Levicán, el encargado de Convivencia Escolar, Jaime León, y la coordinadora de Middle School, miss Kerima Ojeda.


Fellowship and learning marked our 6th graders’ Paihuano experience

The long-awaited trip of our 6th graders to Paihuano, finally took place between December 12th and December 14th, and materialized in an experience marked by fellowship, healthy coexistence, and learning in the field.

During three days, our 6th G and 6th L students learned more about the history and geography of the Elqui Valley, reviewing its astronomical importance and developing several sports and artistic activities, which contributed to strengthening their bond as a group and promoting healthy coexistence.

The group was accompanied by the head teachers of both classes, Miss Gisela Castillo and Miss Liliana Cortés, as well as Mister Álvaro Levicán; our School Coexistence coordinator, Jaime León, and the Middle School coordinator, Miss Kerima Ojeda.

  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas