  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas
Pague Aquí

El pasado martes 18 de octubre, alumnos del electivo de Teatro de 11th Grade, a través de su compañía «The Red Noses Company», recibieron a un grupo de 13 estudiantes del Trinity School, acompañados por miss Camila López, quienes fueron invitados especialmente a presenciar la obra “Pensé que las narices rojas no podían quejarse”.

La actividad contó también con la participación de alumnos del electivo de Teatro de 12th Grade, quienes apoyaron a sus compañeros y además fueron los anfitriones de nuestros  invitados.

Los alumnos del Trinity School disfrutaron de la obra y compartieron con actores y alumnos en una amena charla sobre la obra, la construcción de la compañía de teatro y la experiencia del electivo de Teatro.

Fue una actividad muy enriquecedora, donde nuestros alumnos demostraron sus habilidades en el arte de la expresión y compartieron pensamientos, ideas e impresiones con sus compañeros del Trinity School, quienes participaron activamente, felicitando a los actores y actrices por su trabajo y puesta en escena.

¡Felicitaciones a la «Red Nose Company»!


To share and learn among Drama

Last Tuesday October 18, the Drama elective for 11th grade received a group of 13 students from Trinity School, accompanied by their teacher Miss Camila López, to attend the presentation of their play ‘Thought Red Noses Couldn’t Complain, an adaptation developed by the Drama 11 Grade through their «The Red Noses Company» .

In this opportunity, the activity gathered an audience of 25 students. The Drama elective for 12 grade were supporting their schoolmates, having the role of receiving our guests from Trinity School, ashers and director’s assistance in some other little tasks.

The students from Trinity School enjoyed the play and were able to share with actors and 12th graders a nice talk about the play’s adaptation, the building of the theater company, the experience of Drama elective, and the performance itself.

This was a very enriching activity for everyone. Our students of Drama 11 through  «The Red Noses Company» showed their abilities in the art of expression and shared thoughts, ideas and impressions about drama with their peers from Trinity School, who participated actively, congratulating the actors and actresses for their achievements and inquiring about their process along the year.

Congratulations, «The Red Noses Company»!! «

  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas