  • Ema Leonor Torres Lacazette
  • Pablo Ignacio Canales Castillo

  • María Cecilia Álvarez Barrera
Pague Aquí

El pasado 12 de mayo vivimos una increíble jornada, oportunidad en que nuestros alumnos y profesores, nos sorprendieron con creativas ropas y disfraces para convertirse en gemelos por un día, en una actividad organizada por el Centro de Alumnos.

En la ocasión, reímos y compartimos en torno a esta actividad, que es fiel reflejo del espíritu TISLS y de lo que somos como comunidad educativa.

Agradecemos a todos quienes participaron y aportaron con su entusiasmo a que tuviéramos un inolvidable día.


Creativity took over TISLS on twins day

Last Friday, May 12th, we experienced an incredible day, and an opportunity in which our students and teachers surprised us with creative clothes and costumes to become twins for a day, in an activity organized by our Students’ Union.

On the occasion, we laughed and shared around this activity, which is a true reflection of our TISLS’ spirit and what we are as an educational community.

We thank everyone who participated and contributed with their enthusiasm, so that we had an unforgettable day.

  • Ema Leonor Torres Lacazette
  • Pablo Ignacio Canales Castillo

  • María Cecilia Álvarez Barrera