  • Laura Antonia Vidal Casas
  • Luciana Paz Ponce Huerta

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Pague Aquí

Si estás en Elementary, entonces ¡esta invitación es para ti! Porque ya comenzó nuestro Programa de Lectura en Invierno, iniciativa desarrollada por las bibliotecarias, que busca potenciar y fomentar la lectura en los niños y niñas entre Primero y Cuarto básico.

Leer es fundamental para el proceso formativo de nuestros alumnos, ya que les permite imaginar, crear y descubrir el mundo en torno a los libros y las letras. Además, la lectura les ayuda a mejorar su capacidad de comprensión y les amplía el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales.

A continuación, algunos fundamentos de por qué leer te hace bien, preparados en inglés por nuestras bibliotecarias.

Join our Winter Reading Program

Reading is essential for the students’ formative process, it allows them to imagine, create and discover the world around them. In addition, Reading helps to improve comprehension, expands vocabulary and grammar structures as well.

Why Reading Is Important:

  • Expands Vocabulary: Every book is filled with new words waiting to be discovered. The more you read, the more words you’ll learn, helping you express yourself better and understand others more easily.
  • Boosts Imagination: Reading isn’t just about words on a page; it’s about creating vivid images in your mind. As you read, you’ll conjure up scenes, characters, and landscapes, making the story come alive in your imagination.
  • Enhances Creativity: Stories are like seeds planted in your mind. They inspire new ideas, spark creativity, and encourage you to think outside the box. Who knows? You might even come up with your own incredible stories one day!
  • Improves Concentration: In a world filled with distractions, reading teaches you to focus. When you’re engrossed in a book, you block out the noise and immerse yourself in the story, training your brain to concentrate for longer periods.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Through books, you can walk in someone else’s shoes, experiencing their joys, fears, and challenges. This helps you develop empathy and understanding for people from all walks of life.

Reading is not just a hobby; it’s a superpower that can unlock endless possibilities. So, dive into the nearest book and let the adventure begin!
Remember, the more you read, the more you’ll discover, imagine, and create. Happy Reading!

School Libraries
Language Arts Department

  • Laura Antonia Vidal Casas
  • Luciana Paz Ponce Huerta

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