  • Luis Emilio Iver Rivera
  • Matilda Ignacia Flores Helo

  • Claudia Hott Cárcamo
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Kong
Pague Aquí

El pasado 10 y 11 de diciembre, un grupo de nuestros alumnos de 9th y 10th grades, incentivado por sus profesoras de Language Arts, realizaron dos ciclos de charlas literarias como una manera de reconocer y agradecer a Miss Yolanda Mai, quien se acogió a retiro tras treinta años formando generaciones en TISLS.

Como coordinadora de nivel, Miss Yoli no tuvo la oportunidad de enseñar de manera directa a este grupo de alumnos, por lo que la instancia fue un espacio para compartir con ella como profesora de idiomas, experta en Literatura y amante del teatro más allá de su rol encabezando High School.

¡Gracias miss Yoli!


Farewell Literary Talks with Miss Yoly

On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 a group of High School students organized by their L. Arts teachers, held two Farewell Literary Talks for Miss Yolanda Mai. As their High School Coordinator, Miss Yoly had not had the opportunity to teach this group of students; therefore, the students had the opportunity to share with the L. Arts teacher, literary expert, and drama lover beyond the coordinator.

On Tuesday afternoon, a group of 9th and 10th graders guided by their teachers Miss Paola Morgan and Miss Pia Montecinos, shared their experience with Shakespeare and the Bard’s work on timeless themes that reflect human nature.

Miss Yoly was asked about her favorite Shakespearean character, her personal identification with one, and the always controversial question “Why Shakespeare?”  Students named aspects of characters which are recognizable among them and Miss Yoly commented on her passion for theater and her future plans in regards to that.

On Wednesday morning, a group of 11th graders with their teachers Miss Paola Morgan and Miss Mónica Zepeda, gathered to comment on their reading of The Crucible by Arthur Miller and that critical play written and banned during the Cold War.

Miss Yoly commented on the importance of our names and how one identifies with that given name. Students talked about each of their names, how this becomes part of our identity, and that it carries a reputation. Freedom of speech was the following topic and the students stated their opinion regarding the limits of freedom and how words can be harmful. When asked about theater, Miss Yoly narrated her experience and her path through TISLS, supporting and creating opportunities for this art to develop. She was asked about the genesis of the L. Arts Drama Elective and she mentioned the many plays students had performed as part of the L. Arts program, directed and co directed by her, which gave her the perspective to notice that an elective of this sort was necessary.

The students encountered a different dimension to the High School Coordinator and Miss Yoly enjoyed once again the time with students, brought together by literature, her passion. She congratulated them and thanked them for their ideas and the chance to be with students once again and as a farewell activity. Students and teachers were able to enrich literary perspectives and share our human nature through an interesting talk with some sweet closure.

  • Luis Emilio Iver Rivera
  • Matilda Ignacia Flores Helo

  • Claudia Hott Cárcamo
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Kong