  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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Pague Aquí

Dentro de las distintas actividades desarrolladas durante diciembre, queremos destacar la Primera Feria de Emprendedores, efectuada el pasado viernes 9 de diciembre en los patios de Middle y High School, con participación de alumnos desde 4th a 11th grades.

En la oportunidad, nuestros estudiantes vendieron e intercambiaron los productos que ellos mismos confeccionaron, demostrando sus habilidades y fortaleciendo valores como la sana convivencia y el respeto por el otro.

Felicitamos a todos los participantes, esperando realizar una nueva actividad a comienzos de 2023 para  la venta de libros usados.


Successful Fair of School Entrepreneurs

Among the different activities that took place at our school during December, we want to highlight the First Entrepreneurs Fair, event developed in the Middle and High School courtyards, and that had the participation of our students from 4th to 11th grade.

During the opportunity, our students sold and exchanged products that they themselves made, demonstrating their skills and strengthening values ​​such as healthy coexistence and respect for others. We congratulate all the participants, hoping to carry out a new activity at the beginning of 2023, with the sale of used books.

  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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