  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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Pague Aquí

The Language Arts program for Middle and High School students considers writing skills as one of its objectives. It is so that some of our students participated in the Writing Competition for schools organized by the ESU in Santiago.

This year, the student who was selected to represent our school in the national Writing Competition was Sofia Briceño from 8thR.

The finals were held on Thursday 27th September at Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Parque Quinta Normal, Santiago.

On the day of the final, Sofía was given a creative writing assignment, inspired by their surroundings.

It was a great challenge and we encourage her to continue writing.


  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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