  • Ema Leonor Torres Lacazette
  • Pablo Ignacio Canales Castillo

  • María Cecilia Álvarez Barrera
Pague Aquí

Last Saturday April 25th, our School participated in the annual ESU Public Speaking Competition 2015. This year there were twenty-seven schools participating in the competition which made a total of fifty contestants in all. We were represented by Francisca Rojas and Diego Soler, both students from 12th Grade MZ.  Francisca and Diego traveled with their classmates Isidora Camus, Matilde Figueroa, Mijal Dueñas and M. Ignacia Obrador who were invited by the school as witnesses of the competition. We are very pleased and proud of Diego’s and Francisca’s performance in the competition, they both showed a high level of proficiency in the English language, oratory skills,  and a great sense of responsibility and commitment with their task, as faithful representatives of the TISLS spirit. We specially congratulate Francisca who was able to get to the semifinals, placing our school as one of the eight best in the competition. This was a very enriching activity for our six students who were able to witness a completely English spoken event feeling comfortable and enjoying the experience. Congratulations for both Diego and Francisca!

  • Ema Leonor Torres Lacazette
  • Pablo Ignacio Canales Castillo

  • María Cecilia Álvarez Barrera