  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas
Pague Aquí

El pasado 7 y 8 de noviembre en el colegio Saint George de Santiago, nuestras alumnas de Middle School, Cristina Moya (5th CL), Monserrat Hanckes (6th L) y Josefa Herrera (8th PM), representaron a TISLS en el certamen de declamación de poesía organizado por la English Speaking Union, ESU Chile.

Este año, los poemas recitados se enfocaron en la temática «Música».


ESU Poetry Recitation Competition

Last November 7th and 8th at St. George’s College, Cristina Moya 5th CL, Monserrat Hanckes 6th L, and Josefa Herrera 8th PM were chosen for the English Speaking Union’s judges, to represent TISLS at the 2024 ESU Poetry Recitation Competition. This year the list of poems to be recited was based on the theme “Music”.

Cristina Moya Arceu from 5th CL participated with the poem “Mr. Grumpledump’s Song” By Shel Silverstein.

Monserrat Hanckes Franco from 6th L participated with the poem “The Arrow and the Song” By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Josefa Herrera Espinoza from 8th PM participated with the poem “I Am Offering this Poem” By Jimmy Santiago Baca.

This year ESU Chile had over 220 participants in Round 1 and more than 70 judges who volunteered for the entries.

Students selected to go on to ESU Final Heats prepared themselves and with their teachers’ support, to travel to our capital city, Santiago.

Our representatives showed understanding through phrasing, intonation, and appropriate expressions of emotions. The students used facial expressions, eye contact, and hand and body language to complement the text without acting as one of the requirements established by the organization.

We want to congratulate the girls for participating in this kind of activity because it is a great opportunity to get familiar with the competition’s digital video format and face-to-face presentations.

Finally, a special recognition to Monserrat Hanckes Franco from 6th L for her “Honorable Mention” as one of the finalists in her heat.

 Congratulations Monserrat!

  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas