  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas
Pague Aquí

“To Define is to Limit” was the general topic that the students from 23 schools along Chile had to include in their persuasive Speeches in the 23rd version of the Public Speaking Competition, organized by the English Speaking Union Chile, at The Grange School in Santiago, last Saturday, April 22nd.

Mateo Pierotic (12th PJ) with his speech titled “Where do your Monsters lurk?) and Nicolás Fraga (12th E) with his speech “Mind Chains”, were the students chosen for representing TISLS in this national competition.

Every contestant must use their oratory skills for persuading the international judges after delivering their five minute speeches, and answering a  couple of questions asked by one of them.

This year the  ESU included a Battle of Impromptu Speeches, an activity that included not only the contestants, but also teachers, relatives and public in general, who also demonstrated on stage their abilities for talking about an unknown topic chosen randomly.

Isidora Canut de Bon and Vicente Díaz (12th E) were also finalists in our TISLS Speaking Competition last year, and were invited to accompany Mateo and Nicolás in this new challenging experience, all of them  accompanied by Miss Paola Morgan and Miss Mónica Zepeda. We thank Isidora and Vicente for helping us, for showing their commitment and share with enthusiasm this amazing  activity.

Mateo and Nicolás showed their outstanding English proficiency, mastery of the second language, oratory skills and devices. They shared great moments with students from bilingual schools , institutions that portrayed their high standards in the usage of the English language.

We want to congratulate Mateo Pierotic and Nicolás Fraga  for sharing a positive attitude, working hard preparing their speeches and of course doing their best when performing on stage.

  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas