  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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Pague Aquí

During the Second term, the eleventh graders were part of our Internal Public Speaking Competition as a main activity of the Language Arts Program.

The performance within the students was outstanding considering the high required standards of the selection.

Finally, six students were chosen as semifinalist:

Vicente Gómez
Ignacia Zamora
Vlada Vasilyeva
Karen Raboy
Matías Greco
Nicolás Gallardo

On Thursday, October 4th will be held the TISLS Public Speaking Finals, where two winners will be selected to represent our school next year in the ESU Public Speaking Competition in Santiago.

We congratulate our students.

Your Language Arts teachers feel proud of you.


  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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