  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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Pague Aquí

El pasado viernes 12 de noviembre se realizó nuestro tradicional Sendero de despedida de los grados 12, Farewell Path.

La emotiva actividad contó con la participación de los niveles de Middle y High School, junto a profesores, directivos y funcionarios.

Los alumnos de 12 fueron acompañados por sus padres, retomando uno de los ritos más importantes y esperados por las generaciones que egresan cada año.

Nuestros alumnos recibieron una vez más el cariño de sus compañeros, profesores y comunidad TISLS, marcando de manera simbólica el término de su etapa escolar, que nos deja como legado las características individuales, grupales y espíritu de toda una generación resumidos en la palabra  “Endurance”.

TISLS les desea éxito y muchas felicidades en su vida futura.


It’s a farewell, not a goodbye: 12th grader’s path

With the return of a tradition, our 12th graders 2021 lived their last day of school at TISLS.

The Farewell Path gathered a significant part of our educational comunity, as we wittnessed our now former students, going  through a touching walk from their classroom to our school’s entrance.

This year, due to the pandemic and sanitary conditions, only our Middle and High School students, teachers and faculties participated in this activity, in representation of all of our TISLS family.

An important place in this traditional and expected ritual, had our 12th graders’ parents, who participated along with their children applying all of the preventive sanitary meassures established by the Health Ministery to prevent covid.

During the Farewell Path -one of the most expected activities for our graduated generations- the students recieved once again, the affection of their schoolmates, teachers and educational comunity, as they walked through TISLS, leaving as a legacy their group spirit, represented in the word “Endurance”.

We wish them the best in whatever next steps they take. And remember: its a farewell, not a goodbye.



  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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