  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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Pague Aquí

“Romeo y Julieta” de William Shakespeare, fue la obra escogida por nuestros alumnos de Tercero Medio pertenecientes al electivo de Teatro “No Más Teatros”, para cerrar un desafiante año marcado por el desarrollo personal y actoral de cada uno de sus miembros.

La representación se llevó a cabo el pasado martes 7 de diciembre en el gimnasio de nuestro colegio y tuvo una audiencia reducida, para resguardar la salud de todos los asistentes debido a la contingencia sanitaria.

Fue frente a sus compañeros de Primero y Segundo Medio –divididos en dos grupos- que nuestros jóvenes intérpretes lograron transmitir toda la emocionalidad y los sentimientos de cada línea, a través de una representación completa de cada uno de los personajes.

Doble mérito para nuestros alumnos, quienes recién en septiembre, se reunieron de manera presencial por primera vez este año, superando el obstáculo de las pantallas, pero asumiendo el desafío de transmitir e interpretar a través de una mascarilla.

Como colegio y comunidad, destacamos la dedicación y el compromiso que nuestros alumnos colocaron en su electivo, y los instamos a seguir trabajando con perseverancia por sus sueños, a través del desarrollo permanente de sus distintas aptitudes.

Felicitaciones a nuestros jóvenes intérpretes.


 Drama Elective closes 2021 with Romeo and Juliet

«Last Tuesday December 7 in our school gym and with a limited audience due to sanitary regulations, the students from the Drama Elective Course for 11th grade and their theater company No More Drama, Drama Club closed their year work with the presentation of a short adaptation of “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare.

This wavering school year brought challenges for the first Drama Elective Course for 11th Grade. The group worked virtually until September, and they were able to present a short online play  to 8th graders on July 28, which was a challenge in itself.

On September 29 and for the first time, the Drama Elective group of students met in a classroom to start working together for our final project, “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”.

Even though the cast and scenes were already chosen, actors were learning lines, and the structure was decided, it was a new challenge to work all together in a classroom face to face and with masks.

Because of the sanitary situation, at that point it was very uncertain whether they were going to be able to present their work to an audience or just to their director; however, they took the task seriously and worked hard with no regards to the possible outcome.

Finally, last December 7 in the afternoon, No More Drama, Drama Club was able to present their final work in two different performances; to 9th Graders and 10th Graders. The cast was able to present their work and their progress along the year was evident.

They were able to transmit not only some of the Bard’s ideas and dialogues, but also the emotion and feelings within each line. The audience was captivated by the young actors’ performance, and they acknowledged their appreciation for their work with several warm rounds of applauses and various direct personal comments to cast members.

Congratulations for a successful year’s work, No More Drama, Drama Club and the 11th grade Drama Elective Course!! «

  • Esperanza Verónica Rojas Mardones
  • Isidora Belén Pizarro Jacob

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