  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas
Pague Aquí

Una entretenida actividad realizaron este miércoles los alumnos del 6th G, encabezados por su profesora jefe, Miss Gisela Castillo. Se trató de una “feria de las pulgas”, donde los niños y niñas pudieron interactuar con el resto de la comunidad escolar, ofreciendo diversos artículos desde juguetes a ropa.

“Fue una forma entretenida de profundizar en ciertos conocimientos, como la Economía, el diálogo, la sana convivencia. Ellos conversaron, adoptaron roles y en conjunto fijaron los precios de cada objeto que trajeron, y el resultado fue muy bonito, porque todos compartieron y se integraron”, indicó la profesora.

Los fondos recaudados en esta actividad, son parte de un ahorro común destinado a actividades del curso. “Ellos también entendieron que se trató de una actividad colectiva, en beneficio del curso completo, y eso también es muy destacable”, dijo la Miss.


6th G: Learning experiences through a «flea market»

Through a “flea market” our 6th G students were able to learn about Economics and put in practice their coexistence as a team. The activity, led by their homeroom teacher, Miss Gisela Castillo, took place last Wednesday August 24th and generated an instance in which the teenagers were able to interact with the rest of the school community, offering various items from toys to clothing.

“It was an entertaining way to put in practice what we have learned in different areas, such as Economics, dialogue, healthy coexistence. Through dialogue, the children were able to adopt roles and together, as a team, they set the prices of each object they brought, and the outcome was very nice, because they all shared and integrated each other”, said Miss Gisela.

The funds raised in this activity are part of a common savings for class activities. «They also understood that it was a collective activity, for the benefit of the entire class, and that is also very remarkable,» indicated the teacher.

  • Renata Victoria Muggane Olivares

  • Claudia Astudillo Rojas