  • Luis Emilio Iver Rivera
  • Matilda Ignacia Flores Helo

  • Claudia Hott Cárcamo
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Kong
Pague Aquí

On Monday, December 15th the students of the English Evening Courses celebrated their hard work and dedication to learning English with the reception of their certificates in the Basic-Intermediate and Advanced Intermediate levels with the presence of the teachers Miss Kerima Ojeda and Miss Carolina Barquín, and the coordinator of the courses Miss Wiebke Spitczok.  Congratulations students! Looking foward… Sigue leyendo

On Thursday, December 18th the students Sofía Hermosilla, Agustín Azócar, and Mateo Pierotic of 9th W were recognized for their excellent participation in the 100 Words writing competition «I Love Shakespeare» organized by the Universidad Central in honor of the 450 year anniversary of William Shakespeare.  The students won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively.  Congratulations students!!! You… Sigue leyendo

Agradecemos a toda la comunidad educativa que generosamente se sumó a la campaña «Cena de Navidad».

Me es grato informarles que con toda la mercadería y cajas listas que se recibieron logramos reunir alrededor de 50 cajas «Cena de Navidad». Reitero que estas donaciones serán entregadas, a través de la Parroquia de Lourdes, a familias que este año se vieron… Sigue leyendo

  • Luis Emilio Iver Rivera
  • Matilda Ignacia Flores Helo

  • Claudia Hott Cárcamo
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Kong