  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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Pague Aquí

Last Wednesday, September 30th, our school participated in the ESU Poetry Recitation Contest 2015 that was held at Saint George’s College in Santiago.  The school contestants were Vicente Sánchez from 8thK and Benjamín Rozas from 8thMC.

Both showed a high proficiency in the English language and a high level of responsibility and commitment.

We are very proud… Sigue leyendo

On Thursday, September 10th, Second grade students had activities related to Fiestas Patrias.  They shared some Chilean food and traditional games.


El día jueves 10 de septiembre, los alumnos de Segundo año Básico L y MC participaron de una entretenida tarde dieciochera, compartiendo comida y realizando juegos tradicionales.

  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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