  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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Pague Aquí

On September 1st, two students from our sixth grades were chosen to participate in the 2016 Poetry Recitation Contest organized by The Chilean English-Speaking Union. They are Catalina Caicedo (6thA) and Julia Rantakyro (6thP). Both girls will represent our school on October 19th and the event will take place at Saint George’s College in Santiago. We… Sigue leyendo

Last Tuesday, September 27th , Pablo Pinto from 8th ML and Manuel Caicedo from 11th PJ participated in the ESU Writing Competition organized by English Speaking Union Chile and the British Council at Recoleta Dominica in Santiago.

Both students participated in two different categories writing  stories,  showing their skills, and abilities, and of course enjoying that new experience.


Como parte de las actividades del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales se desarrolló, entre el martes 27 y el viernes 30 de septiembre la Gira de Estudios de los 10° de nuestro colegio.

El viaje contempla el desarrollo de actividades que buscan vivenciar directamente aspectos teóricos desarrollados en clases y que nos permite profundizar en conceptos y contenidos. Visitamos importantes lugares… Sigue leyendo

  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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