  • Anice Raisa Daruich Araya
  • Emilia Ignacia Navarro Gómez
  • Santiago Alejandro Vergara Armstrong

  • Vania Martina Arata Arellano
Pague Aquí

Last Saturday, April 8th, Miss Mónica Zepeda, Miss Jenny Espinosa and Miss Paola Morgan attended to the XXX Educational Conference “Leading Learning” organized by the Association of British Schools  Chile ABSCH At Universidad de Los Andes, in Santiago.

In that opportunity the teachers enjoyed, learned and worked after listening two guest speakers.

Guy Claxton is a cognitive scientist… Sigue leyendo

Last Tuesday, April 18th, 10th PM had the opportunity of burying a container called “Time Capsule” with the expectations, goals and achievements they would like to achieve by the end of their school days in TISLS. Those messages were written at the beginning of 9th grade last year.

The Time Capsule was buried in an area next to… Sigue leyendo

Como parte de nuestras celebraciones de la semana del libro los cursos de Lower School disfrutaron de la lectura oral con un cuentacuentos en Kinder, la lectura de un libro en Nursery y esta semana se hará la lectura de un Big Book en Playgroup.  Se ha mostrado que la lectura oral es tan importante y beneficiosa para niñas… Sigue leyendo

  • Anice Raisa Daruich Araya
  • Emilia Ignacia Navarro Gómez
  • Santiago Alejandro Vergara Armstrong

  • Vania Martina Arata Arellano