  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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Pague Aquí

TISLS students continue making their best in online classes, demonstrating their commitment and motivation with their learning activities. In spite of the difficulties we have faced during pandemic, our students have been able to  continue with their educational process using this modality,  showing they are able to analyze and organize contents, being agents of their own learnings. … Sigue leyendo

Our students continue with their online classes. The school contents are being covered gradually, according to the different learning levels. We appreciate the commitment of our students and parents to carry out this process in time of crisis.

Nuestros alumnos continúan con sus clases online. Los contenidos están siendo cubiertos paulatinamente de acuerdo a los diferentes niveles de aprendizajes. … Sigue leyendo

Durante la contingencia Covid-19, nuestros alumnos han estado en contacto permanente con sus profesores y profesoras, quienes se han preocupado de utilizar las herramientas tecnológicas otorgadas por la institución, para llegar a los estudiantes y apoderados, manteniendo la comunicación necesaria frente a la compleja situación que se está viviendo.

  • Isabella Aída Munizaga Hidalgo
  • Olivia Huerta Aros

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