  • Cristóbal Jesús Pereira Arriagada

  • Andrea Venegas Ramos
Pague Aquí

¡Capuchino ha regresado!…  después de un largo mes de búsqueda lo encontramos y queremos  agradecer a todos aquellos que de una u otra forma nos ayudaron.  Él se encuentra muy bien  y lo demuestra jugando y recorriendo  TISLS.

Además, queremos compartir una carta de agradecimiento  hicieron llegar a la institución, con motivo justamente de Capuchino, nuestra mascota institucional.

 Descargar carta

After a month of his absence from our school, Capuchino has returned and is doing well as part of our school community.  We would like to thank everyone who helped with his return and we are happy to have him back playing and running around TISLS.

We would also like to share with you a letter received by the school about our school pet, Capuchino. 





After a month of his absence from our school, Capuchino has returned and is doing well as part of our school community.  We would like to thank everyone who helped with his return and we are happy to have him back playing and running around TISLS.

We would also like to share with you a letter received by the school about our school pet, Capuchino. 

  • Cristóbal Jesús Pereira Arriagada

  • Andrea Venegas Ramos