  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González
Pague Aquí

Evelyn Perez

Last Thursday October 4th  the finals of our TISLS Public Speaking Competition were held. The performance of our six eleventh graders was outstanding, and the ones selected to represent us next year at the E.SU Public Speaking Competition in Santiago are  Matías Greco from 11th grade D and Vlada Vasilyeva from 11th   grade… Sigue leyendo

Señor(a) Apoderado(a):

Me es grato informar que, de acuerdo a nuestro calendario escolar 2018, el día viernes 12 de Octubre los alumnos no asistirán a clases  por celebrarse oficialmente el Día del Profesor.


Verónica Opazo Neumann


Dear Parents,

This is to inform you that according to our school calendar, this coming Friday, October 12th,… Sigue leyendo

No matter if we are at home or abroad, no matter if the dwelling place is near or overseas. The many faces of sharing show themselves in many ways, such as in the celebration of Isidora’s, Martín’ s,  Pamela’s, and Mariano’s birthdays. All in one day; all in one song; all in one embrace…

Happy birthday, dear TISLS representatives in Swanage!!

  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González