  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González
Pague Aquí

Evelyn Perez

Estimado(a) ExAlumno(a):

Junto con saludarlos afectuosamente, me es muy grato, a nombre de The International School La Serena, invitarlos al encuentro de exalumnos TISLS 2019.

Los años se han ido acumulando y probablemente las canas también pero el cariño y el compromiso hacia ustedes seguirá siendo el mismo.

La Cena Anual de Exalumnos de THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL LA SERENA se… Sigue leyendo

Our school has been participating in different events organized by ESU Chile, one of them is the yearly Public Speaking Competition. Last Tuesday April 30th, our students of 10th and 11th grades had the possibility to share some time with Miss Sarah O’Keeffe, debate and public speaking coach member of ESU London and one of the judges in this year’s… Sigue leyendo

Today, Wednesday, May 8, at The International School La Serena our students from 7th to 12th grades celebrated the “No Cell Phone Day”.

This challenging activity was suppported by the Comité de la Buena Convivencia, the Students’ Association and the Parents’ Association.

Many people nowadays have joined the rank of nomophobics – those who are fearful of being separated from… Sigue leyendo

  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González