  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González
Pague Aquí

Evelyn Perez

With great pleasure we inform that our teachers, Jacqueline Torrealba and David Bahamondes, attended to the Expotaller 2015 in Santiago in order to expose their workshop “Saber leer, saber mirar: estrategias de lectura objetiva”.

Congratulations for both of them because of their  good performance.


Con gran orgullo informamos a la comunidad TISLS que nuestros profesores Jacqueline Torrealba y… Sigue leyendo

Estimada comunidad TISLS.

Enviamos a ustedes información, acerca de los stands que participarán en la celebración de nuestra School Fiesta 2015.

1. Mapa  ubicación de stands, click aquí

2. Descripción de productos por stands, click aquí

Students’ Association 2015

“The first step” by Valentina Fuentes and “A desk, a whiteboard, eight  Hours per day” by Valentina Obrador, are the titles of the speeches delivered by these two  students from 11th grade E who  were selected, among six other competitors,  to represent our school in the ESU Public Speaking Competition 2016 in Santiago. Aspects such… Sigue leyendo

  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González