  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González
Pague Aquí

Evelyn Perez

Dear parents,

This is to invite you to our Open House program which will be held next Friday, October 23rd, from 6:30 to 9:00 pm.

That day students from Playgroup to 12th grade will leave at 1:00 pm. Some students will be requested by some teachers to stay at school or come earlier to cooperate in the… Sigue leyendo

Last Friday October 9, the students of High School had the opportunity to share with a guest class one of the thematic units developed in their Language Arts classes. Our L.A. day was programmed along the day from 8:30 until 3.20 pm., where each class received their guests in one class period during the day. Students from elementary and High… Sigue leyendo

Estimada Comunidad TISLS

Junto con saludarlos queremos contarles que estamos próximos a realizar una nueva elección de Centro de Alumnos, por lo que instamos a todos los alumnos desde 9th a 12th a presentar sus proyectos en las fechas que entregamos.

30 de octubre: Fecha tope para presentación de listas a CCAA.

14 de octubre: Reunión con presidentes de curso… Sigue leyendo

  • Mariana Díaz Sarmiento

  • Jorge Fredes González