  • Luis Emilio Iver Rivera
  • Matilda Ignacia Flores Helo

  • Claudia Hott Cárcamo
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Kong
Pague Aquí

Last Thursday April 19th, Elementary School level, with the classes in charge, 4th C and 2nd K, celebrated their first assembly. The classes worked with enthusiasm showing their presentations about “Earth Day, World Book day and “Respecting our Planet and People”
In Middle and High School levels, the classes in charge of the Monthly Assembly, 9thPM, 6th P and 5th G, showed the ways our community has to develop a healthy life style and also reminded us about the most important events that took place years ago, and are taking place nowadays.
Women’s Day, ESU Competition and finalists, La Rebelión del Cuerpo, Stephen Hawking’s  recognition (RIP), Día Mundial del Deporte y la Recreación, el Día de la Danza with 5th G students dancing a great choreography, and the Day of the Book with 6th P students performing quotes and poems from Nicanor Parra (RIP) and other American and British writers were highlighted.

TISLS will celebrate the World Book Week and Miss Wiebke and Miss Carolina, School Librarians, with a group of students from

“Academia de Teatro” represented a tale, inviting our community to keep on Reading.

  • Luis Emilio Iver Rivera
  • Matilda Ignacia Flores Helo

  • Claudia Hott Cárcamo
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Kong